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Rabu, Juni 12, 2013

Soal Bahasa Inggris 1

Latihan 1
A. Fill in the blanks with object pronouns.
1.  My uncle lives in Mexico City.  ………….lives in Mexico City.
2. My friends aren't coming.  ………….aren't coming.
3. Mrs. Wong is studying English.  ……………..is studying English.
4. You and I have to talk about the test. …………….have to talk about the test.
5. Can you help me? Yes, ………….can help you.
6. The tree is going to fall. ………….is going to fall.
7. John and Robert had an argument. …………….had an argument.
8. Jim and I are the same age. ……………..are the same age.
9. My passport is in my bag. ………………is in my bag.
10. My cousin George just graduated from high school. ………..just graduated from high school.

B. Fill the blank with past tense
Shasa  wrote a book

He didn’t sing

Was she studied ?

Tita  didn’t took money

Zahwa drove a car

Zaki didn’t ate cake

Was  nisa drink a milk?
Camat bought  a apartement

C. Translate !
1. The Man Who Says He Never Has Time Is The Laziest Man.
2. Love is beauty, but not every beauty have love.
3. Laughing is healthy, especially if you laugh about yourself.
4. if you can’t say good words of a person, don’t say bad ones.
5. Smile is the shortest distance between two people.

D. Make a one sample for simple present, present continous dan simple Future Min. one clause ? (positif, negative and interrogative)

E. Test Choice
a. story about myself
b. story about family
c. story about friendship

Bila anda mengingingkan sesuatu, tetapi anda tidak mendapatkannya berarti anda tidak sungguh-sungguh menginginkannya

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